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Hos Bigger Picture hjælper vi globale virksomheder og organisationer med at træffe gode beslutninger. Gennem strategisk visualisering håndterer vi kompleksitet og skaber klarhed.


Vil du se vores ikonbibliotek, høre mere om vores læringsplatform, eller brainstorme på et projekt du er i gang med - så ring.  


Års erfaring


Brugere på vores læringsplatform


Planter døde på kontoret


Ikoner i vores bibliotek

Visuel referat / grafisk referat


Vi visualiserer jeres nye strategi, udvikler et visuelt sprog, eller opsummerer jeres event i engagerende visuelle fortællinger.



Vi designer, leger og stiller stærke spørgsmål, så dit næste møde, seminar eller konference summer af gode dialoger.



Vi underviser dig og dit team i at bruge simple tegneteknikker og gode spørgsmål til at skabe klarhed og engagement i selv de mest komplekse processer.

Vores ydelser

Et udvalg af vores kunder


Collaborating with Loa and the Bigger Picture team was a smooth, engaging, and inspiring experience. They quickly turned our ideas into innovative, clear, and visually stunning results. Our team was thoroughly impressed with the end product and surprised by the speed of delivery. Throughout the process, Loa remained enthusiastic and actively involved. Our final product continues to inspire across the organization.

Ivy Awofusi


NACD Operations (CagriSema) Novo Nordisk

Bigger Picture is an excellent resource for complex organizations and anyone who cares about activating the imagination and doing social change.

Bliss Brown

President and founder of

Imagine Chicago

What makes this training great is a combination of the facilitator, the content, the visuals, the pacing of the learning, the overall experience! I learnt a new framework of engaging visually with my topic of interest and making remote but also in-person meetings.

Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou

Visiting Assistant Professor

MIT Media Lab

For anyone regularly doing virtual whiteboards, I think this course is a HUGE value. As a facilitator who is constantly seeking ways to invite active participation and overcome the virtual meeting burnout, this training is a no-brainer.

Lindsey Effner

Senior Process Consultant

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

In my work as a leader of strategic corporate Governance, I am often in situations where I need to explain complex challenges. In these situations visualizing and drawing is a great tool. It invites and engages others and increases the chances of reaching a shared understanding. Bigger Picture has helped me develop and improve my skills at working with complex organizational challenges.

Lene Einang Flach

Project Director - NRK

Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

This has been good for the team, an eye-opener for the possibilities and benefits of a more visual way of working. We work this way already given the field and nature of our projects, but to be more systematic about when and how to use it, is really valuable. Each of our team members will use it in their own way, but now we have a shared foundation for the work.

Pernille Skjershede Nielsen

Programme Director, Gate 21

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